Okay, I get it. Unless we bail out the greedy bastards on Wall Street, our economy - and the world's - comes crashing down around us. No loan for me if I needed a new car. No money spitting out when I hit the ATM. If I owned a business, I'd be screwed.
Well, we're screwed anyway.
W now has another accomplishment to add to his legacy. He's managed to totally diminish our political standing in the world thanks to his invasion of Iraq and consequent incompetence in managing that effort. Now he and his fellow GOPers have completely fucked up the US economy, brought the global economy to its knees, and added another $700 billion to the ever-mounting deficit.
At his press avails last week, he looked like a deer in the headlights. The man doesn't have a clue.
Or maybe he does. In my paranoid moments comes the thought that suggests it's all a plot - the Dick Cheney/Newt Gingrich plan to "starve the pig." If there's no revenue coming in, government HAS to shrink.
My Republican friends have - for years - told me how much better we'll be with the GOP in charge because (OMG - we're seeing it at the municipal level too) they're "smart with the money."
So much for that theory.
I understand that we need to "restore confidence" to avoid a meltdown. Like most Americans, I am thoroughly pissed. So now its OUR tax dollars that will have to pay for the overwhelming greed that has been on display. Somebody - LOTS of somebodys - need to go to jail.
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