Saturday, October 4, 2008

Election Vacation

The remote control is my new best friend.

Irritating campaign commercial? Bloviating TV talker? The 'mute' and 'last' buttons are getting a workout at our house. (Does anyone still remember having to get up and walk across the room in order to change channels and/or the volume?)

I refuse to watch ANYONE'S campaign ads - they're essentially worthless, usually nasty, and absolutely unhelpful. (God luv the mute button.)

Same goes for the angry chatterboxes on the cable news networks. I wish they'd all just shut up. Or maybe we could put them all in timeout and send them to their respective corners to think about their behavior.

I've watched the debates...and will continue to do so, more for the entertainment value than anything else. I know the candidates' positions, though still need to do a little more research into some of the local/state offices and figure out whether to vote for or against light rail.

I urge you to join me on my election vacation. Pick up that remote and feel a real sense of freedom. Of power.

Yes, that sense of freedom and power will be fleeting - how much control do we really have in our lives - but the momentary satisfaction of shutting some asshole up is delightful.


Peggy said...

I agree, what a powerful tool the remote is! If only in some remote office the candidates could see how often everyone "votes" with their remote, perhaps they would change their tactics and give us real information that would help us decide which way to vote, rather than listening to our favorite pundits! I do find I'm more involved in this one -- making phone calls for my candidate of choice in my spare time. Peggy Noonan in an interview with John Stewart talked about how disappointing it is that the candidates are not really talking the talk. Just sound bites -- I'd like to give someone a bite!

? said...

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Do you like books and have you read any books by Salman Rushdie? I feel your blog is very interesting and worth my time...also I feel we can learn from each other.

Hope to see you soon.
With my very best wishes