Saturday, November 22, 2008

Saturday Morning Yowls

Anybody in the market for a new cat? 'Cuz we've got one - caged in our garage and yowling everytime she/he hears any noises from inside the house.

The black Lab is fascinated, stretched out on the hallway floor with her nose about a foot from the door to the garage. She'd really like to meet whatever's making all that noise. (She wants to be friends...)

The black cat, however, is pissed. What in God's name is going on here, and why is there another cat (sort of) in the house? Unlike the dog, he is as far away from the garage door as he can be, looking at us with baleful eyes, attention riveted by every new yowl.

What to do....

The garage occupant is a long-haired, orange and white cat who suddenly showed up at our front door about 7:30 last night. I thought it was our cat, yelling to get in. (He prefers that doors be opened for him, please - the cat door we installed for him is just too much trouble.)

No idea where this little guy came from - but he/she was thrilled to see us. Serious purring, rubbing of legs, and ecstatic responses to being stroked. A really sweet little cat, probably in the last stages of kittenhood.

It was cold and dark and our visitor was starving so we gave him/her water and food (I know, I know...bad move). We thought about using the dog crate and bringing it inside - but censored that idea. We'd just fed the little thing and it was going to need a litter box.

We didn't want it socializing with our animals, because one of its eyes is red and watery and we don't need any more vet bills. Plus, I was not interested in hosting a cat fight in my living room. So the garage seemed the best alternative. Warmer than the outside and contained. (We live in the woods - also home to foxes and owls and things that could do serious damage to someone or something scared and out of its element. Which this little guy clearly is.)

We're not far from an animal shelter - and have had other critters show up on our doorstep (including the black Lab) dumped by some dirtbag who didn't have the courage to take their unwanted critter to the shelter, just let it loose nearby apparently figuring the kind-hearted souls inside the shelter would take care of it - and they wouldn't have to go through the shame and expense of getting rid of their unwanted animal. (Assholes.)

Maybe the little guy is lost, but I don't think so. Everytime a car went by, the little cat perked up. And every now and then he'd stare out into the darkness and just yell.

Seems abandoned to me. Like I said, we've seen it before.

So now he/she is our problem. And there are some dangerous signs...unbidden thoughts like "I'll take it to the vet tomorrow morning to have its eye looked at." (What about not wanting any vet bills, you dumbass?) "Then maybe we could introduce it to our cat and see how it goes..." (NO NO NO NO NO! What are you THINKING? You don't NEED another cat!) "But it's so cute and scared and cuddly..." (SHUT UP!!!!!!)

That inner conversation basically echoes the dialogue I had with myself when the black Lab showed up. Ten years ago.

So today we'll do our due diligence - check with various lost animal registries, run an ad in The Star (lost pet ads are free - or used to be), maybe put some signs up around the neighborhood. Like I said, it's a sweet little thing and seems to have been well cared for. (Until dumped, anyway....if that's what happened.)

But I'm afraid we may have a new member of the household...(NOOOOOO!!!!!)
UPDATE: It's a he - about 8 months old, the vet says. Not neutered, not microchipped. With fleas (now treated) and a little conjunctivitis in his right eye (we got the eyedrops). He's still in the garage....not yowling so much.
UPDATE #2 - turns out Mr. D. has been having the same inner conversation with himself. "What a sweet cat..." (ARE YOU CRAZY????)

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