* The old cat is still pissed, but at least is no longer hiding under the sofa.
* The dog and the little stray have become playmates - the dog likes to give chase, and the new guy enjoys coming out from his various hiding places and attacking the oblivious Labrador.
* Mr. D and I are providing financial support to our local veterinarian. So far: flea treatment, eye treatment, a feline leukemia test (negative), and the piece de resistance: he got his nuts cut Thursday. (He hasn't seemed to mind...) Shots are coming down the road.
This is getting expensive. We're definitely paying for our combined soft-heartedness.
Though we've given him his own moniker, he probably thinks his name is "Shithead," as in "you little shithead, get off that counter." Or the table. Or whatever.
My poor husband woke up the other morning to: "No, kitty, no. NO. NO. NO! Bad kitty. Bad Bad BAD!"
I was innocently cleaning the kitchen at about 5:30 am when I noticed grey fluff all over the pantry. Had he torn up his mouse toy, I thought? But no. The fluff turned out to be feathers. Feathers everywhere. Upon investigation, I find the little shithead with a dead bird almost as big as he is. How delightful - a new toy!
I'm hoping he found the corpse in the woods and that he didn't kill it. (Optimistic, I know. Hunting is something cats do.) I also know that he's getting a collar with the noisiest bell I can find. Maybe a cowbell. That'll keep him from sneaking up on anything, the little shit.
And a great big 'thank you' to Mr. D for coming downstairs and dealing with the carcass in what, for him, was the middle of the night. What a guy.

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