Saturday, February 28, 2009

At Least It Fell on Saturday

The annual tug-of-war between springtime and winter is on. A time when the first hopes of spring are dashed upon KC's meteorological rocks.

Mother Nature has been toying with us. Fooled me. Fooled my daffodils. We've both started poking our heads out, misled by warm temperatures and sunshine. I thought I'd be spending the weekend cleaning up the yard, visions in my head of spring bulbs and getting my fingers in the dirt.

Said dirt is now covered by four inches and the snow continues to fall.

But it sure is beautiful.

It's also a gift, in that it forces you to stay indoors. Can't run the errands you planned, things get cancelled, you can't clean up the yard...

And - bonus - it's a Saturday which means no struggle to get to work and back.

So you light a fire and a few candles against the cold, and think about starting a pot of soup. Chicken with white bean, maybe.

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